obpo (Magda Szczepanska)

We are independent and non profit (NGO) - free for all internet political (and more) magazine: http://politicalobserver.pl

All our images here can be used for free for any purpose. Without permission.

Take it and have fun!

If you need any other photos from Poland - please contact us.

We also collect photos from all over the world

name: Magda Szczepanska
gender: female
city: Warsaw
country: Poland
camera: Olympus
RGBstock since: December 2012
gallery go to the galleryrss feed
Photos on line: 3
Downloads: 26

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palace of culture nad science

palace of culture nad science

2400px * 3200px


st. marys church

st. marys church

2400px * 3200px


cricoteka krakow

cricoteka krakow

2400px * 3200px




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